Notes from the Road, Continued



Are you kidding me?

This is how I felt when I realized thirty minutes before my first presentation of five that my elderly laptop (tested at home) would suddenly not hold a charge from the electrical cord and the battery was dead. Thankfully, I had Dropboxed the Powerpoint presentation to each stop on my journey in advance. But, each stop used Macs and the conversion from my PowerPoint was only about 60% correct. So…what did I do? At the first presentation, I asked the audience for patience and winged it. (Humor goes a long way.) For the remainder of the visits, I borrowed my brother-in-law’s PC laptop and downloaded my Powerpoint from the jumpdrive I brought with me. This was a great solution (for me, not so sure about my brother-in-law) except that three of the four remaining visits used Mac enabled projectors so I never knew for sure if the PC laptop and Mac projectors would talk nicely to each other. I made sure to arrive at least an hour in advance of each presentation to work out the kinks. Then I crossed my fingers. And toes.