
Carrie is now booking speaking engagements for 2024 and beyond.
For inquiries and engagements, contact How Now Booking


Carrie creates author programs for virtual and in-person settings (bookstores, libraries, schools, homeschooling, and professional development conferences). Check out the program details below.



“…By exploring nonfiction authors’ creative decision making regarding everything from choosing a topic and finding a focus to structuring a manuscript and carefully crafting language, these experienced professionals can become invaluable teaching partners.” (NCTE Position Statement on The Role of Nonfiction Literature (K-12)

As a former early childhood educator, Carrie’s goals for every program are to:

  • incorporate age-appropriate content that reaches grade-level science and literacy standards AND engages and excites
  • make cross-curriculum connections between ELA, eco-literacy, science, and social science
  • mentor specific craft moves and motivate further appreciation for writing and reading
  • model a writer-ly life and illustrate how creativity and persistence is necessary for any career path
  • answer the question of how an author (or any writer) comes up with ideas, finds answers to questions, and writes (and rewrites and rewrites) so an audience wants to read the work

Want to schedule a visit or discuss next steps? Reach out HERE.


  • up to 30 minutes depending on grade level
  • optional Q & A
  • $100 flat fee
  • virtual

Can be designed to highlight a special theme, like March is Reading Month or Summer Reading Kickoffs
Pick one of my authored books, add at least one to your library, and I’ll join your class virtually to read the book aloud, offer behind the scenes insights, and engage readers, writers, and artists!

  • Adaptable for any age group
  • 20-60 minutes
  • virtual or in-person

This STEM + ELA-themed program introduces Dr. Virginia Apgar, the inventor of the APGAR Score, which is used around the world to assess the immediate health of newborn infants. On the big screen, Carrie shares her authored children’s book biography, Virginia Wouldn’t Slow Down! The Unstoppable Dr. Apgar and Her Life-Saving Invention and Dr. Apgar as a real-life hero. She invites students to consider how life stories provide historical, behavioral, and community contexts as she leads a discussion about how and why the APGAR Score was created. We learn how society can keep people, especially those who aren’t traditionally empowered, down but how, through perseverance and personal strength, we can be unstoppable, too. Students are encouraged to bring a doll or stuffed buddy to practice the APGAR Score at the event. Includes a downloadable Discussion and Activity Guide with cross-curricular extensions and standards alignments.

  • adaptable for grades K-12
  • 20-50 minutes plus Q & A
  • virtual or in-person

Have you heard of a STEM-aligned princess who is an engineer and product developer? Or a princess who is a computer expert? Or an entrepreneur? Likely not because the media feeds us a visual diet of princesses’ clothing and jewelry instead of their accomplishments and vision. Defining people by a caricature and/or stereotype limits us all and narrows our worldview. Using Carrie’s authored book Real Princesses Change the World as a springboard, we’ll examine old, tired tropes and reimagine them in more realistic ways. We’ll consider ways to identify truth, representation, and realism in visual media. Additionally, we’ll look beyond caricatures and explore a different way of thinking about and writing about people in our lives and beyond. Includes a downloadable Discussion and Activity Guide with cross-curricular extensions and standards alignments.

  • adaptable for grades K-6
  • 30-50 minutes plus Q & A
  • virtual or in-person

The award-winning book authored by Carrie, STRETCH TO THE SUN: FROM A TINY SPROUT TO THE TALLEST TREE ON EARTH, is a beautifully illustrated narrative nonfiction picture book about the tallest tree on Earth. Through an interactive presentation, students will “climb” this tree and learn about a newly explored ecosystem — described as “a coral reef in the sky” — that is home to a critically endangered bird species and thousands of livings things great and small.

As we climb, we’ll compare/contrast the growth of this tree to other tall structures and humans and overlay social history milestones that took place as this ancient giant stretched toward the sun. The assembly includes a book reading (or book review for younger grades) and discussion, Q & A, and a downloadable measuring activity and a Discussion and Activity Guide for parents and teachers.

Super interesting and informative presentation! Love the pictures of the trees and tree researchers, and I love the way Carrie helps kids understand the majesty of this tree. What a beautiful book!” —Mavonwe Banerdt, Library Coordinator, Jackson STEM Dual Language Magnet Academy, Altadena, CA

  • 30-50 minutes depending upon grade level
  • book reading: A Warm Winter Tail or A Cool Summer Tail
  • virtual or in-person

This session can be adapted (see what I did there?) for K-5 and meets several science and NGSStandards on structures, weather/seasons, characteristics passed from adult to young, survival, traits, environmental interactions, habitats, and more. Carrie provides an engaging combination of nature images, science facts, and empathy-building content while she reads A WARM WINTER TAIL, Carrie’s award-winning informational fiction picture book about animal adaptation to cold or A COOL SUMMER TAIL about animal adaptation to heat, both with layers of several ELA and CCSStandards.

  • adaptable for K-6
  • 20 – 50 minutes
  • virtual or in-person

As an author, Carrie’s process for writing a new book is like a scientist’s process in discovery. Using her books as examples, Carrie will show how her observation, wonder (inquiry), and questioning were the underpinnings of her stories. Concurrently, students will use an item from their environment to observe, wonder about, and develop questions to guide their investigation and their writing. Resources needed: paper, writing utensil, and an item to be found at home or school.


  • grades 2-4 if virtual, K-4 if in person
  • 30 -50 minutes

Using their five senses and their creativity, students make a rock come alive through story! The workshop includes visuals, a rock gift for each participant if held in person. If virtual, students are instructed to find a rock prior to the workshop. Includes an individual writing activity, and a chance for everyone to read their inherently funny (it’s about a rock, for goodness sake!) stories aloud for instant positive feedback. The workshop also supports topics addressed in the standards, particularly: word choice, figurative language, text structure, point of view, close reading, central themes, and idea generation.

  • grades 4-12
  • 30-50 minutes
  • virtual or in-person

Human behavior experts agree that humor engages the brain and enhances memory. So how can writers use the power of humor to captivate readers? Carrie leads an interactive and lively discussion about elements of humor in literature, and reviews mentor texts with students to determine what works/what flops. Students learn how personal taste and human development impacts our perception of funny and how to add age-appropriate humor to engage readers.

  • upper elementary to early high school
  • 50 minutes to 2 hours
  • virtual or in-person

The genre is blossoming, and in some cases, is hard to define. Using mentor texts to illustrate the concepts, this workshop clarifies the five types of nonfiction and how the line between fiction and nonfiction can seem blurry sometimes. The presentation compliments and extends students’ understanding of what it means to read and write nonfiction and is particularly helpful before digging into longer research projects. We look at research methods, best practices, and organization of information, how to find and develop ideas, and the top ten reasons why writing and reading nonfiction is an exciting gateway to learning. Includes visuals, group discussion, individual work time, and Q & A.

  • adaptable for grades 6-12
  • 50-75 minutes
  • virtual or in-person

In this workshop, Carrie gives a behind-the-scenes look at creating the award-winning book Virginia Wouldn’t Slow Down! The Unstoppable Dr. Apgar and Her Life-Saving Invention. Using material and feedback Carrie collected as she created, we see how a nonfiction writing project is actually developed. Student scholars will practice gathering story ideas, approaching the first draft of a project, using five specific revision techniques for works in progress, strategies for turning negative feedback into a better story, and best practices for critiquing others’ work. Includes PowerPoint visuals plus group discussion, individual creative time, and Q & A.

“Even weeks later, I am hearing from students, teachers, and parents about how much they enjoyed your presentation. (One mom emailed me just this morning to tell me how much she enjoyed learning from you!)  I so appreciate how interesting, thorough, and relevant your presentation was.”

Karen Berry
Library Teacher, Hedgcoxe Elementary
Plano, TX

“I appreciate all the connections between literature, science, social studies, and the world around us. The presentation will spark many questions for further inquiry in my students. Thank you!”

Heidi Hillman
4th Grade Teacher, Crestview Elementary
Simi Valley, CA

​”Love all the visuals, kind tone, but not talking down or too childish, interesting facts. I have a very active group. I rarely see them this focused!”

Olivia Cardenas
2nd Grade Teacher, Jackson STEM Dual Language Magnet Academy
Altadena, CA


A note from Carrie:

“As a former educator and children’s book author, everything I do around literacy points back to my respect for children and the way they approach our big wide world. My role as a visitor in their school and library communities is to validate and mentor a writerly life, light a spark of curiosity, and empower young scholars to become creative readers and writers. I see you, educators, librarians, and caregivers, and I’ll work hard to support your literacy goals.” 

Need help funding a visit?

Most often, advance planning makes visits more affordable!

  • Share travel/lodging expenses with other schools in your district or neighboring district and/or team up with a local library, bookstore, or museum.
  • Apply for the Amber Brown Grant through the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). Each year, one school is selected to receive an all-expense paid author/illustrator visit.
  • Check your local arts council, education council, or library for grants.
  • Take advantage of authors attending a regional book festival, reading association conference, SCBWI conference, or another book event in your area. Find out what authors are attending and contact them ahead of time so they can stop at your school while they are in the area or traveling through. I am happy to arrive early or stay late and visit if I am speaking at an event near you.
  • Investigate if your district allows the use of ESSER funds for school visits. Read more here.


Carrie loves to visit bookstores and libraries to share new books and offer programs that are more than traditional book signings. Have a tea party, bust stereotypes, and dream big with REAL PRINCESSES CHANGE THE WORLD. Encourage STEM thinking and budding scientists as we practice an APGAR Score together with VIRGINIA WOULDN’T SLOW DOWN! THE UNSTOPPABLE DR. APGAR AND HER LIFE-SAVING INVENTION. Contact Carrie for these visits.


McLean & Eakin Booksellers, Petoskey, MI

Adaptable for all ages but primarily geared to children ages 4-8, this 30-60 minute program includes a tea party with real tea cups and saucers (!), light treats, a book talk for Real Princesses Change the World (including geographical highlights, occupation discussions, what do real princesses do), Dream Big questions for participants, and book purchase/signing.

Peter White Public Library, Marquette, MI

Adaptable for any age group, but most suited for ages 4-8, this STEM-themed program introduces Dr. Virginia Apgar, the inventor of the APGAR Score used around the world to assess the immediate health of newborn infants. Carrie shares her authored children’s book biography, Virginia Wouldn’t Slow Down! The Unstoppable Dr. Apgar and Her Life-Saving Invention, and leads a discussion about how and why the APGAR Score was created.  Participants receive a free take-home stethoscope and are encouraged to bring a doll or stuffed buddy to practice the APGAR Score at the event.



Are you designing a conference, panel, or workshop for writers, teachers, library patrons, or adult education classes?

Scroll down for sample presentation topics. I am happy to design an online or in-person presentation that fits your conference theme.  If you have a topic in mind that isn’t covered, let’s talk.

Fees are currently $500 per session online or in person. If in person, add IRS mileage reimbursement (currently $.55/mile) and overnight lodging for bookings over 100 miles from Marquette, MI, held before 9:00 AM or after 5:00 PM.

​Please contact me with any questions.

Click here to watch a video about Carrie Pearson’s programs for writers and educators!

Programs for Writers

Are you a librarian who has always wanted to write and traditionally publish a picture book? Have any of these internal messages created a roadblock?

  • “It’s too daunting” “I don’t have time” “I’m a librarian, not a writer”
  • “I don’t know how to [insert appropriate phrase] come up with a good idea, format a manuscript, get good feedback, pick a publisher”
  • “I have a draft but it sits on my computer/in my drawer because I don’t know what to do next”

In this workshop, Carrie will take you through the process of creating a first draft of a picture book including: idea generation (with an eye toward market sensibilities),  parts of a picture book and why understanding picture book format is important for the writing process, page turns and PB forms, creating a book dummy for non-artists, loglines and how they can keep you on track throughout the writing process.  Along the way, we’ll take time to apply what we discuss so attendees will leave the breakout having made solid steps forward toward an outline, first draft, or better draft.

Finding the right agent has often been compared to finding a spouse–hopefully, they will be your lifelong business partner, a creative collaborator, your negotiations champion, and eventually the go-between for difficult conversations with your publisher. But finding an agent can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Join Carrie Pearson for a presentation focused on preparing for and finding the right agent fit for you and your work. It’s not enough to find an agent; the important work is to find your agent match. Carrie’s experience spans 15 years in the children’s book industry. She’ll share why she’s had three agents (third one’s the charm!) and help you think differently about how to find your agent match.

A one-hour, fast paced, nuts and bolts session for children’s literature writers and writer/illustrators who want to be published — and sooner rather than later. Like every industry, children’s book publishing has conventions. If we follow them, we are one step closer to being part of the in-crowd. Participants will learn necessary standards for traditional publishing (formatting, important terms, word counts for categories, what’s pushy, what’s polite), how the industry works (role of agent vs. editor, types of publishing houses, large house vs. small vs. regional), and how creators get paid (advance, royalties). Lecture format with visuals, a take-away, and Q & A.

This is a session for writers wanting to break into today’s exciting and growing nonfiction market. The rise in innovative and engaging nonfiction has opened a world of possibilities but also confusion. For instance, how do we label manuscripts that blend true information with fictional characters or settings or invented dialogue? Participants will walk away with a clear definition of different types of nonfiction and identify what type they might like to write or what they’ve drafted already.  Lecture format with visuals, a take-away, and Q & A.

Two-hour intensive. Don’t give an editor a reason to reject a manuscript just because you didn’t play by the rules. Get an insider look at industry expectations so you are viewed as a professional. We’ll cover a traditional children’s book publishing industry primer (formatting, word count expectations, conventions, important terms), how to know when your manuscript is ready to submit, how to package it (query versus cover letters), how to research agents, editors and publishing houses, how to track submissions, when (and how) to nudge, how to deal with inevitable rejections, and how mini-successes lead to bigger accomplishments. Lecture format with visuals, take-aways, some group discussion, and Q & A.

Programs For Educators

The rise in innovative and engaging nonfiction (informational books) has opened a world of reading possibilities but also confusion. How do we label books that blend elements of fiction and nonfiction? How can we determine what is a verifiable fact versus a narrative thread? Why is this even important? In a world where half-truths can be mistaken for full-blown facts, it’s important for students to learn how to tell the difference between a verifiable detail and that which has been invented. This session will provide ways for teachers and students to analyze content that is fiction, nonfiction, or a relatively new category called informational fiction. Includes sneak peeks at new nonfiction titles, too.

Humor has been proven to positively impact learning environments and learning outcomes. So how do we bring funny into the classroom? Use a Humor Style Test to identify what kind of humor you use, and then learn how can you build on your own style (or possibly modify it if it isn’t working) to create a positive, enhanced classroom. Includes a review of children’s literature that uses different elements of humor effectively, age-appropriate humor, and lesson ideas for adding humor to student generated writing. One hour lecture format with visuals, a take-away, and Q & A.

“Your [Nonfiction, Fiction and Shades of Grey] webinar was very well done. It was saturated with great information. You brought up many of the current issues in the nonfiction genre that are important for nonfiction writers to mull over.”   —Suzanne Lipshaw, nonfiction author

“The [Finding Your Agent Match] webinar was well organized, easy to understand, and very helpful….You have given me hope AND encouragement. Time for me to start searching for agent #2 and I feel like I am going into it with a much better understanding.”